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About us

Regulations & policies

Access and participation statement

Teesside University believes that individuals should be able to achieve their full potential and is committed to creating an inclusive campus that embraces diversity and supports students across the whole lifecycle from accessing higher education through to successful progression. This commitment is set out in our Access and participation statement.
View our Access and participation statement

CCTV policy

Our CCTV policy aims to ensure that CCTV on Teesside University�s premises is operated to enhance safety, and the sense of safety.
CCTV Policy
CCTV Code of Practice

Complaints made by persons external to Teesside University

If an individual or organisation external to the University wishes to complain about how its staff or students have acted, and/or the level of service they have received, they should submit a complaint in accordance with this procedure to the Student Casework Office (SCO)
Procedure for complaints made by persons external to Teesside University

Corporate social responsibility framework

Teesside University stands strongly for social inclusion and has always been committed, in principle and in practice, to the economic, social and cultural success of the communities that it serves.
Corporate social responsibility framework

Data protection

All personal data processed by the University is done so in accordance with the requirements and safeguards of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the Data Protection Act 2018.
More information about how the University processes personal data

Degree Outcomes Statement

This statement is in response to the Statement of Intent issued by the UK Standing Committee for Quality Assurance, whereby Higher Education Providers in England are expected to publish an explanation of their Degree Outcomes and Classification Algorithm(s) for undergraduate (Level 6) awards.
View Executive Summary
View our Degree Outcomes Statement

Equality and diversity

We welcome applications from every section of the community as part of our commitment to equality of opportunity within a diverse working and learning environment.
Equality and diversity policies

Freedom of Information Act

The Freedom of Information Act 2000 allows access to information held by public bodies including universities, subject to some exemptions.
More about the Freedom of Information Act

Governors' report and financial statements

If you would like copies of the most recent Governors' Report and Financial Statements, please ring 01642 342720.
Governors' report and financial statements

Health and safety information

Our health and safety staff have put together information to advise you on all health and safety issues as well as guide you through some of the emergency situations that might arise and how you can cope with them.
Health and safety procedures
Security, emergency, first aid and lost property

Modern slavery statement

This statement is made pursuant to s.54 of the Modern Slavery Act 2015 and sets out the steps that the University has taken and is continuing to take to ensure that modern slavery or human trafficking is not taking place within our business or supply chain.
Modern slavery statement

Policy on secure handling of DBS certificates

As an organisation using the Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) checking service to help assess the suitability of applicants for positions of trust, Teesside University complies fully with the DBS Code of Practice regarding the correct handling, use, storage, retention and disposal of certificates and certificate information.

Prevent Duty

The Counter Terrorism and Security Act (2015) places the University as a Relevant Higher Education Body or RHEB under a duty to have due regard to the need to prevent people from being drawn into terrorism or extremism. Known as the 'Prevent Duty' this requirement refers to both staff and students at the University and we are required to report on our progress to the Office for Students to which the Government has given monitoring responsibilities.
The Prevent Duty

Purchase of goods and services

Please see the University's General Conditions of Contract which apply to goods and services bought by the University unless otherwise stated or agreed between the parties.

Quality framework

The quality framework describes the University's strategic approach to quality management, setting out its key features.
Quality framework

Referral guidance

When you think a student or colleague may be vulnerable to radicalisation.
Referral Guidance

Research data management policy


Teesside University aims to adopt high standards in relation to the safety and welfare of Children, Young People and Adults at Risk.
More about Safeguarding

Security and safety

Campus Security are responsible for ensuring a safe environment for staff, students and visitors. We are based in the University Library and are on hand 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year
More about Campus Security

Smoke-free campus

A new University no-smoking policy was launched, to coincide with 1 July 2007 when virtually all enclosed public places and workplaces in England became smoke-free.
More about Smoke-free campus
No Smoking Policy

Student handbook

The handbook provides comprehensive information about the University's services, facilities and regulations for full-time and part-time students.
Student handbook

Student regulations

From student attendance and plagiarism, to complaints procedures and fees and charges - we set out regulations to make sure our students are treated fairly and get most out of their time at the University.
Student regulations

Tackling tax evasion statement

The University has a formal statement to demonstrate its zero tolerance approach to the facilitation of tax evasion, entitled 'Tackling Tax Evasion Statement (Criminal Finances Act 2017)'.
Tackling tax evasion statement

Transparency return

We believe that university should be accessible to anyone who wishes to participate and has the ability to succeed in higher education. We are committed to transforming lives and we are proud of our continued success in access and participation.
View our Transparency return

Visiting and External Speaker Policy

Academic Staff
If you book a guest lecturer to deliver or part-deliver a scheduled lecture, it is your responsibility to ensure that they are aware of and abide by the policy and follow the guidance.

Departmental Staff
If you organise an external speaker/presenter as part of your agreed schedule of departmental activities, it is your responsibility to ensure that they are aware of and abide by the policy and follow the guidance.

Visiting and External Speaker Policy.

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